View the current warnings for Queensland. . IDY28000 Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Bureau National Operations Centre Satellite Notes for 1200UTC Chart Issued at 11:32 pm EST Thursday on 20 July 2023 A band of middle to upper level cloud is streaming over northeastern South Australia, eastern Victoria, southwestern New South. 9670°S 152. It is being replaced with a new radar. Multiple views available including cloud cover, lightening & more, throughout Australia 128km. View the current warnings for Queensland. 128 km Gulf of Carpentaria (Mornington Is) Radar Loop. Cairns Weather Watch Radar Queensland QLD 16. 27,156 likes · 36 talking about this · 96 were here. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help. 68° E) Type: DWSR 2502 C band Doppler Availability (Typical): 24 hours per day Link: Cairns Radar Page Interpretation Notes. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourCairns, Australia and Vicinity 128 km Composite Radar Loop with Current Weather Observations for Temperature, Dew Point, Humidity, Rainfall and Wind. Weather observations Select "Weather Observations" in the "Map Features" below to display the observations here and on the radar map. 128 km Willis Island Radar Loop. Today Hourly Daily Radar MinuteCast Monthly Air Quality Health & Activities Cairns Weather Radar Now Rain Snow Ice Mix Australia Weather Radar More Maps Radar Current and future radar. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help. 4196°S 146. Intensity values are intended to be indicative of activity only. Radar Help. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Katherine (Tindal) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. View the current warnings for New South Wales. View the current warnings for New South Wales. View the current warnings for New South Wales. 128 km Geraldton Radar Loop. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Gladstone Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. The radar has good visibility in all directions, though does have some limitations to the south-southeast looking over Mt Bellenden Ker (1593m) and Mt. Latest radar images for 128 km Cairns sourced from BOM. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. Townsville (Hervey Range) Queensland. Click anywhere on radar image, to set a new origin. Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National Warnings; Water; Climate; Environment; Tropical Cyclones; Tsunami Warning Centre. 128 km Albany Radar Loop. 7178°S 153. Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km. 128 km Wollongong (Appin) Doppler wind. Heat Index: 73. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min:Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Willis Island Radar Loop. No warnings for Queensland. View the current warnings for Western Australia. 128 Km. Cairns Weather Watch RadarQueensland. Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km. 128 km Cairns Radar Loop. This site provides good low-level. Skip to main content; Search. Reason: Technical or equipment problems. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. The Mackay radar will be offline from 1 June 2023 for approximately 26 weeks. 128 km Cairns Radar from. Click anywhere on radar image, to set a new origin. Current and future radar maps for assessing areas of precipitation, type, and intensity. View the current warnings for New South Wales. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Townsville (Hervey Range) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Other Radars. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. Australian region tropical cyclone warnings, forecasts, seasonal outlooks, cyclone history, climatology and related informationAlso details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Latest radar images for 128 km Cairns sourced from BOM. Click on the map to display the 7-day summary forecast for the location. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Provides access to meteorological images of the 512 km composite Gulf of Carpentaria (Mornington Is) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Bass Strait and approaches. Provides access to meteorological images of the 128 km Cairns Doppler wind radar of rainfall and wind. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National Warnings; Water; Climate; Environment; Tropical Cyclones. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourBureau Home > Radar Images > 64 km Mount Isa Radar Loop. 700 km (0. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. View the current warnings for New South Wales. Today Hourly Daily Radar MinuteCast Monthly Air Quality Health & Activities Cairns Weather Radar Now Rain Snow Ice Mix Australia Weather Radar More Maps Radar Current and future radar. No warnings for Queensland. Weather delivered differently. 2018). Previous page. Located at 343m on the summit of Mt Kanighan 26 km north of Gympie this radar has a very good view of any precipitation that may fall within its area of coverage. 19. High Resolution Doppler Radar ⨀ Dedicated Weather WatchThe Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. Latest radar images for 128 km Cairns sourced from BOM. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Melbourne Radar Loop. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hour128 km Cairns Radar Loop. View the current warnings for New South Wales. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Dampier Radar Loop. 128 km Mackay Radar. 128 km Brisbane (Mt Stapylton) Radar. 128 km Gympie (Mt Kanigan) Radar Loop. 128 km Bowen Radar Loop. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Radar, 64 km · 128 km, 256 km, 512 km composite · national · doppler wind. Cairns 128km Radar/Lightning location Aus NSW/ACT NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Nth WA Sth QLD radars Bowen Brisbane Brisbane Marburg Cairns Emerald Gladstone. Australian region tropical cyclone warnings, forecasts, seasonal outlooks, cyclone history, climatology and related informationAlso details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. 128 km Brisbane Airport Radar Loop. Reason: Technical or equipment problems Date: 01-06-2023Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Ceduna Radar Loop. Bureau of Meteorology. View the current warnings for Queensland. Cairns, Australia Weather Conditions & 128 km Radar Current Weather Current Conditions Forecast Satellite Models Climate Contact Us | Mobile | Bookmark Page (CTRL-D) Never base any life decisions on weather information from this site or anywhere over the Internet. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help. 300 km (0. 410 km (0. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourView the current warnings for Queensland. Bureau Home > Australia > Radar Images > QLD Radar Sites Table. Conditions. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler windBureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Taroom Radar Loop. Radar Selection â—¯ Canberra ⨀ Grafton Moree ⨀ â—¯ Namoi â—¯ Newcastle Sydney â—¯ Cairns radar is situated approximately 9km NNW of Cairns airport at Saddle Mountain on the Kuranda range at a height of 652m above MSL. View the current warnings for Western Australia. 128 km Norfolk Island Radar Loop. Currently Viewing. View the current warnings for Queensland. If you're a small business in need of assistance, please contact [email protected]. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. Images are typically updated between 6 and 10 minutes. The Bureau's ability to restore the radar display following an outage. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourGympie Weather Watch Radar Queensland QLD 25. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourBureau Home > Radar Images > 256 km Geraldton Radar Loop. Skip to main content; Search. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. 128 km Mount Isa Radar Loop. Skip to main content;. 512 Km composite. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help. Cairns Weather. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. Provides access to meteorological images of the 256 km Katherine (Tindal) Radar Loop radar of rainfall and wind. Click "64 km", "128 km", "256 km" or "512 km" to see the latest 30 minutes of looping imagery. The radar has good visibility in all directions, though does have some limitations to the south-southeast looking over Mt Bellenden Ker (1593m) and Mt. 23°C. 128 km Cairns Radar Loop. Current Conditions: Forecast: Satellite: Models: Climate: Cloudy. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. Skip to main content;. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Carnarvon Radar Loop. Cairns Weather Radar | Rain Radar for Cairns QLD 128km Cairns Radar + − 20 km Monday, 17 July 3:50AM AEST 1 hour Off Map Layers Radar Locations Animator Settings Cairns Radar Notes Cairns Weather Watch Radar Queensland QLD 16. 512 km composite : 19: Cairns: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: Doppler wind: 72: Emerald: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite:. View the current warnings for Victoria. The Bureau of Meteorology website does not currently support connections via HTTPS. Weather delivered differently. 2018). Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourAlso details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. gif) is currently not available Reason: Technical or equipment problems Date: 22-05-2023 Start time: 09:07 Duration: 1568 hour Estimated time of restoration of service: 26-07-2023 17:07 Cairns 128km Radar/Lightning location Aus NSW/ACT NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Nth WA Sth QLD radars Bowen Brisbane Brisbane Marburg Cairns Emerald Gladstone Greenvale Gympie Longreach Mackay Mornington Is Mount Isa Richmond Taroom Townsville Warrego Weipa Willis Is nearby radars Greenvale Townsville Duration: Speed: Dwell: light The Cairns radar is situated approximately 9km north-northwest of Cairns airport at Saddle Mountain (also known as Bunda Gawan by the Djabugay people) on the Kuranda range at a height of 652m. 256 km Cairns Radar. 128 km Longreach Radar Loop. 15 °C. 24 hour. Reference points used in Coastal Wind Warnings. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. Provides access to Queensland weather forecasts, weather observations, flood warnings and high sea forecasts of the Bureau of Meteorology and Queensland Regional OfficeBureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Geraldton Radar Loop. Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Radar: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hourBureau Home > Radar Images > 256 km Emerald Radar Loop. Use the Cairns weather satellites here by Weatherzone. 128 Km. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Hillston Radar Loop. 64 Km. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Brewarrina Radar Loop. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind Warnings; Water; Climate; Environment; Tropical Cyclones. 2018). Reason: Technical or equipment problems. Advertisement Map features Australian wind speed and wind direction forecasts updated hourly. Cairns Disaster Centre. See also: Victoria Radar. Check MetEye for weather forecasts and current observations. Bureau Home > Australia > Queensland > Cairns Weather. 256 km Albany Radar Loop. View the current warnings for Western Australia. Radar Type. Select "Weather Observations" in the "Map Features" below to display the observations here and on the radar map. View other radar locations or satellite cloud and lightning imagery and watch for current weather warnings. Other Radars. Received at: 14:18 UTC Tue 18 Jul 2023. 256 Km. Click anywhere on radar image, to set a new origin. Display on Map. "128 km", "256 km" or "512 km" to see the latest 30 minutes of looping imagery. 128 km Dampier Radar Loop. The benefits of the higher resolution over the operational 4-km APS1 ACCESS-C were clear. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km. Click anywhere for detailed forecasts for all locations across Australia. 43 mi) The FDP system used hourly 3D-Var to assimilate conventional and satellite observations, as well as using Doppler radar winds for the first time (Rennie et al. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. 25 mi) Significant tree damage through a heavily forested area; Nursey Lake: EF2 19. 300 km (0. The Cairns radar will go offline for approximately 9 weeks from 22/05/2023 for routine service works that will maintain and enhance its operational capabilities. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help. Read more. Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am: 24 hour: Received at: 11:15 UTC Sat 22 Jul 2023; EST CST WST; 09. 87 mi) 0. View the current warnings for Western Australia. 1 km (11. 410 km (0. Latest radar images for 128 km Cairns sourced from BOM. View the current warnings for New South Wales. View the current warnings for Queensland. . Dikendalikan oleh Penguasa Penerbangan Awam Singapura (CAAS), Lapangan Terbang Changi merupakan pengkalan untuk Singapore Airlines dan mengendali 78 sistem penerbangan yang lain. The Bureau also has responsibility for. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler windAlso details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology. View. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information: Other Radars: Radar Help Radar: 64 km: 128 km: 256 km: 512 km composite: National: Doppler wind: Rainfall: 5 min: 1 hour: Since 9 am:Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Darwin (Berrimah) Radar Loop.